Issue 45.1
Summer/Fall 2024

Table of Contents
Fiction | ||
Eric Rasmussen | Olfactory Love | 13 |
Andrew Zhou | Fifteen Airport Memories | 34 |
Lynn Gordon | Ford Fairlane | 47 |
Michael Hyde | The Boy-Gorgon of Suburbia | 55 |
Molly I. Roberts | I Have Been a Woman for a Long Time | 68 |
Poetry | ||
Liza Rose | Vivification | 7 |
Elsewhere | 9 | |
Solace | 11 | |
Chloe Cook | Astronomical Phenomena | 24 |
Sociology | 26 | |
Sara Burge | Animal | 32 |
Colin Bailes | Unearthed | 54 |
Sarah Fawn Montgomery | Riptide | 64 |
Diagnosis as Iceberg | 66 | |
Nonfiction | ||
Sue William Silverman | A Grand Unified Theory of Disease | 27 |
Colin Bailes holds an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University, where he served as the 2020–2021 Levis Reading Prize Fellow and was awarded the Catherine and Joan Byrne Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets. A National Poetry Series finalist, his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Best New Poets, Blackbird, The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, The Massachusetts Review, Narrative, and Nashville Review, among other journals. He lives and teaches in Richmond, Virginia.Sara Burge is the author of Apocalypse Ranch (C & R Press, 2010), and her poetry has appeared in or is forthcoming from Willow Springs, Prairie Schooner, the minnesota review, CALYX Journal, Virginia Quarterly Review, The Louisville Review, River Styx, and elsewhere. She is the Poetry Editor of Moon City Review.
Chloe Cook is a poet from Kentucky. Her work is featured or forthcoming in Atlanta Review, The Madison Review, Mississippi Review, The Journal, and Bayou Magazine, among others. She is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Florida, where she teaches creative writing and serves as an editorial assistant for Subtropics.
Lynn Gordon’s fiction has appeared in Southampton Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, Epiphany, Zone 3, and other journals. Gordon is a retired health educator and a lifelong Californian.
Michael Hyde is the author of What Are You Afraid Of?, a book of stories and winner of the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction. His stories have appeared in The Best American Mystery Stories, Alaska Quarterly Review, Confrontation, Philadelphia Stories and Witness. He teaches courses in writing, worldbuilding, and the uncanny at the Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY in New York City.
Sarah Fawn Montgomery is the author of Halfway from Home (Split/Lip Press), Quite Mad: An American Pharma Memoir (The Ohio State University Press) and three poetry chapbooks. She has a craft book on unlearning the ableist writing workshop and developing a disabled writing practice forthcoming with Sundress Publications, as well as a collection of flash nonfiction forthcoming with Harbor Editions. She is an associate professor at Bridgewater State University.
Eric Rasmussen is a western Wisconsin English teacher and writer serving as fiction editor for Sundog Lit, as well as editor of the upper Midwest literary journal Barstow & Grand. He has published short fiction in Third Coast (2022 Fiction Contest finalist), North American Review (2022 Kurt Vonnegut Prize runner-up), Blue Mesa Review (2022 Fiction Contest winner), Fugue, and The Penn Review, among others. Find him online at
Molly I. Roberts earned Bachelor’s Degrees in English and sports journalism from the University of Iowa. She grew up in Michigan, but now lives in Iowa City, where she works as the Children’s Bookseller at Prairie Lights Books. She lives with her husband, orange tabby, and black dog.
Liza Rose is an American poet and artist from rural Pennsylvania. She currently lives in Manhattan, where she is an MFA student at New York University. She received both her BA and MA from The Pennsylvania State University. Her work has appeared in several journals and websites, including She is the author of the poetry collection Motion as the Thing That Separates the Living From the Dead.
Sue William Silverman is an award-winning author of eight works of nonfiction and poetry. Her books include Acetylene Torch Songs: Writing True Stories to Ignite the Soul; How to Survive Death and Other Inconveniences, which won the gold star in Foreword Reviews INDIE Book of the Year Award; and Love Sick: One Woman’s Journey through Sexual Addiction, made into a Lifetime TV movie. She is faculty co-chair of the MFA in Writing Program at Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Andrew Zhou is a queer Chinese writer and medical device engineer who grew up in the Minneapolis area but currently resides in Boston. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Columbia University. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Quarterly West, South Dakota Review, Chestnut Review, Foglifter Journal, Faultline, and elsewhere. Find him at